Deutsche Version

Friedrich A. Dirkmann 

hon. Ambassador

Specialist for entire companies, governments and their company-, or governments-organizations and their entire (also conglomerate) company structures from A to Z worldwide


“Unfortunately, for most people on this planet, only numbers, data and facts count. Be it out of greed, God syndrome or other personal sensitivities, how just to find out whether the other person is better or worse off than themselves in any parameters...!“*1


Here are my numbers, dates and facts:

(Of course, only those that do not directly affect third parties, as these are subject to infinite secrecy due to rights and laws, specifications and agreements, but above all to my highest ethos (trust, loyalty, integrity))**2


Friedrich A. Dirkmann


Special extraordinary extreme worldwide hon. Ambassador for special extraordinary extreme worldwide affairs…

Governments, Industrials, Economics, Independently honorarium, Pro Bono, and Private consulter & investor





Very multifaceted, globally active government, industry, business, honorary, pro bono, & private consultant since 1987


Focus: Significantly improve the quality of life, joie de vivre, quality of life of everyone involved through my work.


Establishments, purchases and participations in companies of almost all types and almost all areas, but also other company connections, e.g. through takeovers, as well as their administrations. Likewise, worldwide since 1987.


Pioneers for the following with forward-looking, global ideas and opportunities.

Visionary and trailblazer for those who follow · Kingmaker · Primus inter pares (first among equals) · Investor · Paymaster · Entrepreneur · And many other more ·


!!! Everything you have ever searched, are looking for, or will be looking for, is less than you have already found through and with me !!!


I celebrate strength of character through inner competence, which is positively reflected on the outside. Likewise, I don't just talk about it, I celebrate authenticity. I live in harmony with my inner values, which are aligned with the highest ethos. In everything I start, I act analytically, comprehensively, goal-oriented, right through to the end result. This is one of the reasons why I always keep an analytically clear and cool head, even in the most complex***3 requirements, the most stressful situations in life. Results are my best advocates, my calling card (that should be true for everyone). I'm not greedy, not selfish, not status oriented. Money: Was, is and never will be the engine of my intrinsic ****4 motivations.


I achieve my greatest success by significantly improving the quality of life, the joy of life = the overall value of life of all those involved (also beyond) through my (participating) work.


It's not primarily important to me to be popular, no. My sense of responsibility applies primarily to the whole, to all those involved, as well as to its surroundings and other third parties. My reputations, which I have earned for decades through integrity, trust, loyalty, etc. pp., do not play any primary role, as these will inevitably arise through my (participation) work and will only be a further gain for everyone involved. For this I take everyone into responsibility, completely irrelevant, which hierarchy they come from. Because for me everyone is equal. I myself only take on the part primus inter pares, first among equals, so that projects, accordingly, holistically, also lead to the results that need to be fulfilled. But even if I am par inter pares, equal among equals, I do not place myself above those involved. Because I look at them all primus inter pares. However, there must be at least one person who acts as the first point of contact. Also, for complete clarity about the whole. For this, all those involved deal with the whole thing and thereby celebrate the trust that they receive from me through equally clear circumstances. Is there something I can't do? I ask. If I achieve results inevitably Better, I investigate if necessary and thereby allow those involved to reach these results. This promotes the level of experience and knowledge as well as the skills of those involved. That brings everyone forward together.


Healthy, but not arrogant, schoolmasterly or even God-syndromized self-esteem and self-confidence, yes, I have and celebrate that. I gained my self-esteem, my self-confidence as a child, but expanded it through experience and knowledge. Since 1987 also worldwide. Strengthened by the skills that have arisen in the most diverse areas, but above all by "DOING AND DOING!, instead of just talking!"*****5 and the resulting results in all of the aforementioned almost all areas*1. I achieved these results mainly through personal responsibility. Personal responsibility for myself by leading myself first, responsibly and competently, before I lead others.


For orders/mandates, I also took on non-tariff and managerial employment relationships, for example when it came to interim, government, and other matters that could not be dealt with in any other way. Mainly worldwide.



In the future, companies will be sustainably successful if they not only communicate the right leadership, but also celebrate it. It is not only important, but existential, not only to maintain appropriate contact from leadership to leadership and from hierarchy to hierarchy, but holistically. Because when everyone involved recognizes that it is completely irrelevant to which hierarchy they belong, then the value of everyone is recognized as a whole. This strengthens the intrinsic motivation of everyone. This also has a positive effect on the overall progress of everyone involved. This is how every company grows. Through stability, image gain, sustainability and other gains. Extrinsic*****5 motivation is eliminated altogether.



It is therefore imperative that… (Want to know more? Ask me personally). VI 8





*1Friedrich A. Dirkmann



**2Of course, only those that do not directly affect third parties, as these are subject to infinite secrecy due to rights and laws, specifications and agreements, but above all to my highest ethos (trust, loyalty, integrity). Therefore, it is entirely excluded that anyone who has not been, is and/or will not be involved will be informed of any of this at any time.



***3most complex Although this word does not exist according to traditional beliefs, it has now been included in the declanation file (Source of verification: External Internet websites Internet)



****4Intrinsic motivation: from the Latin intrinsecus "inside" or "inwards". Originally meant "inwardly" or "turned inwards", later reinterpreted as "coming from within". Intrinsic properties belong to the object itself and make it what it is. The antonym is extrinsic. Source: Internet



*****5 Friedrich A. Dirkmann 1974/75 /|\ ww1987VIII · 8


VI · 6Extrinsic [ɛksˈtʁɪnzɪʃ] means from outside (stimulated), not of one's own accord. The word extrinsic comes from the Latin extrinsecus and is commonly used to describe external factors or motivations. The antonym is intrinsic (from within, caused by intrinsic incentives). Source: External Internet websites Internet, and External Internet websites Internet




VI · 7You can contact me personally, please use the contact page information or the contact form (currently only available on my legacy web. On the home page or release notes page, click on legacy web and then Contact).



VIII ·8 has been mentioned since 1974/75, but worldwide since 1987















